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About Us

Our Story

Kenyan SGBs provide close to 85% of the country’s employment and contribute to 20% of its GDP, making the sector a major contributor to socio-economic development, however the growth of the sector is hampered by poor presentation and a myriad of business challenges such as lack of access to capital, markets, networks and appropriate affordable people & enterprise development solutions.

SFA exists to foster the creation of decent and sustainable work through collaborative partnerships with our wide network of strategic partners across sectors & geographies.

Our Vision

A global resource platform supporting small and medium enterprises owners to grow, scale and thrive.

Our Mission

Fostering an enabling environment for small and medium enterprise owners to create decent and sustainable work for the good of all concerned.

Our Objectives

Support ENACTING of fairer policies to foster growth and success of SME owners

EMPOWER SME Owners by enhancing their competence, compliance and ability to access affordable competent talent and capital

ELEVATE SME Owners by providing linkages to resources and relationships that foster growth and success.

How It All Started

a networking event

Founded in 2015 as Profit network, a business mentoring network, we evolved into an association to better represent the business community as a collective voice to foster the creation of decent work.

SFA is a nationwide partnership of higher education, economic development organizations, chambers and other stakeholders dedicated to promoting a more enabling and sustainable business environment for SMEs to thrive.

The Association successfully links Kenya’s education system with community outreach to aid in the development and education for youth and enterprises to thrive.

As the leading association that provides mentoring, networking, and advocacy for small and medium enterprise owners in the region and continent,  SFA plays a vital role in Kenya’s economic development initiatives by supporting SME owners to grow, scale and thrive in a co created ecosystem of SME Technical experts, development partners, public and private sector across Kenya and Africa.

SFA has a database of over eleven thousand SMEs who have gone through our learning and networking programs using the Grow, Scale and Thrive Playbook which provides an assessment and appropriate interventions.

SFA supported 240 SMEs hit by COVID-19 to pivot through a virtual capacity building.

In 2020-21 in partnership with INT-GIZ SFA provided investor readiness training for 3 cohorts of young ventures to access capital.

Our Commitment to Our Members

To utilize our expertise, experience and resources to deliver quality services and products that meet their needs and support them to grow, scale and thrive.

Our Commitment to Our Employees

To foster a rewarding culture that allows employees to be successful and reach their full potential.

Our Commitment to Our Partners

To advance our shared vision and mission by developing collaborative alliances that leverage organizational strengths and produce lasting benefits.

Our Commitment to Our Funders

To be responsible and accountable stewards to achieve performance expectations and results that contribute to economic prosperity and meaningful return-on-investment.

Our Team

Building Our Future

Motivated entrepreneurs and emerging business owners have access to our team of professionally certified business advisors and specialists to help accelerate business growth and expansion. Our business advisors bring local businesses access to a network of national impact and resources needed to compete in today’s global marketplace. Additionally, our consultants live and work in the communities in which they serve, giving them the regional knowledge and vested interest to help businesses succeed.

Our Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is responsible for advising, counseling and conferring to ensure the interests of small businesses are represented in promoting a sustainable enabling business environment as well as coordinating efforts and investments in small business development and entrepreneurial support services.

Norah Mboya Communications Director
Barbara Kingori Director of Founders Profit Academy
Joseph Kimotho President of Business Dialogues
Jackie Ndeto Catalyst Director
Clement Orwa Community Director

Our Management Team

Jackline Migot Catalyst Coordinator
Leonard Kusule Accounts Coordinator
Peter Orwa, Jnr. IT Coordinator

Our Think & Do Tanks


Fostering people and enterprise development

Communication & Culture

Fostering appropriate communication channels and associations culture.

Risk, Investment & Trade

Fostering linkages to access to capital and markets.